Hadith Sahih Bukhari in Urdu - Allah Ka Zikr Karne Wale

Islamic Status in Urdu - Allah Ka Zikr Karne Wale

This is our Islamic post. I know this article can be very helpful for you, it is just to remind you of a few things that make you remember Allah five times a day. 
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The instruction of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)

Allah Ka Zikr Karne Wale - Islamic Status - info.sharepoetry.live
Islamic Hadith Status

اللہ کا زکر کرنے والا اور نہ کرنے والے شخص کی مثال
ایسے ہے جیسے زندہ اور مردہ آدمی کی ہے۔

Remember Allah often, in your heart and in public. Come to the masjid at least once every Friday and be there early. You should offer two Rakat before the Jumuah prayer. If you can do any extra voluntary prayer in addition to that, do so.

If you think this article has helped you in any way, please share it. May Allah help us increase our faith and guide us to the straight path!

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